Multilevel coupled cluster calculation

Setting up an MLCC2 or MLCCSD calculation

To run an MLCC2 or MLCCSD calculation, the method mlcc2/mlccsd must be specified in the method section. E.g. for MLCC2

- method

As multilevel methods are especially suited for intensive properties, its most relevant usage is for excited state calculations:

- do
  excited state

The mlcc section is necessary for every MLCC calculation, it is used to specify how the active space is generated. E.g., for MLCC2 with approximated correlated natural transition orbitals (CNTOs) tailored for the lowest excited state:

- mlcc
  levels: ccs, cc2
  cc2 orbitals: cnto-approx
  cnto states: {1}

For MLCCSD (CCS/CCSD) with approximated CNTOs tailored for the lowest excited state:

- mlcc
  levels: ccs, ccsd
  ccsd orbitals: cnto-approx
  cnto states: {1}

If Cholesky or Cholesky-PAO orbitals are used, an active atom space must also be defined through the active atoms section. In the example below for two waters, the first water is selected as active (atoms 1, 2, and 3)

- method

- do
  excited state

- solver cc es
  singlet states: 2

- mlcc
  levels: ccs, cc2
  cc2 orbitals: cholesky-pao

- active atoms
  selection type: range
  cc2: [1,3]

- geometry
  basis: aug-cc-pVDZ
  H          0.86681        0.60144        5.00000
  H         -0.86681        0.60144        5.00000
  O          0.00000       -0.07579        5.00000
  H          0.86681        0.60144        0.00000
  H         -0.86681        0.60144        0.00000
  O          0.00000       -0.07579        0.00000

If the calculation exited successfully (look for eT terminated successfully! at the bottom of the file), a summary of the excited state calculation should be printed at the end of the mlcc2.out file

- Electronic excitation energies:

                                   Excitation energy
   State                (Hartree)             (eV)
     1                  0.222134776911        6.044595162993
     2                  0.275347045324        7.492574739770
  eV/Hartree (CODATA 2014): 27.21138602

- Finished solving the MLCC2 excited state equations (right)

Relevant input sections

Active atoms

Coupled cluster excited state

Coupled cluster ground state

Multilevel coupled cluster