How to use the setup script

This page describes the script and its options.

What is the setup script

The setup script is a python script located in the eT base directory. It requires at least Python 3.5 and uses the argparse module to parse command line arguments. The arguments are then passed on to CMake which takes care of the configuration of eT. All the options sent to CMake via the setup script can be passed directly to CMake, but this is usually a lot more painful.

If you think the default values are good for you, you can run the script with:


This will generate a directory called build that should contain your Makefile. You can then go to this directory and compile using make.

make -j4

The -j4 option enables parallel compilation with four threads and can really speed things up.

For a list of arguments and a short description of each, as well as defaults, use:

./ --help

List of setup options

This is a list of the arguments accepted by Most of them come in two versions, a long and a short. The long form starts with two dashes, while the shorthand begins with one dash. For example, --libint-lib and -ll are equivalent.

Positional argument


This is the only positional argument, so it can be placed anywhere, except after an option that expects a string argument like -extra-F-flags. The argument shall be a string with the directory you want to compile eT in. Note that it is not necessary to put you build directory in the eT directory. For example, ./ ~/progs/eT, will create the directory ~/progs/eT, assuming you has access, and place the build files there. Default: build

Optional arguments

These are arguments to specify how you want to compile eT.

-h, --help

As mentioned above, this option will not run the script, but simply list the available options for This is a built-in argparse option.

-clean, --clean-dir

This option will make delete your build directory if it exists before calling CMake. Very handy when you want to force a clean compilation. Default: False

-cleanC, --clean-CMake

Similar to the above, but will only delete CMakeCache.txt, if it exists, forcing a recompilation. Default: False

-lc, --libcint-lib

Specifies a path where CMake should look for libcint and will override the LIBCINT_ROOT environment variable.

-ll, --libint-lib

Specifies a path where CMake should look for Libint and will override the LIBINT2_ROOT environment variable.

-lcp, --cpint-lib

Specifies a path where CMake should look for Cpint and will override the CPINT_ROOT environment variable.

-int-lib, --integral-library

Specifies which integral library should be default.

Options: libcint, libint, cpint, Default: libcint

-oei-lib, --oei-library

Overrides which integral library should be used for one electron integrals. If not specified the library specified in the --integral-library option will be used.

Options: libcint, libint, cpint

-eri-lib, --eri-library

Overrides which integral library should be used for electron repulsion integrals. If not specified the library specified in the --integral-library option will be used.

Options: libcint, libint, cpint

-FC, Fortran-compiler

Exactly what it says on the label. Specifies which Fortran compiler CMake should look for.

-CXX, CXX-compiler

Specifies which C++ compiler CMake should look for.

-CC, C-compiler

Specifies which C compiler CMake should look for.


Enables 64-bit integers. Note that MKL or another 64-bit implementation of BLAS/LAPACK is required for this option. In particular, OpenBLAS and SYSTEM_NATIVE are only available for 32-bit integers. If you are using one of these, use the --int32 option.

Excludes: --int32, Default: True


Enables 32-bit integers.

Excludes: --int64, Default: False


Enable OpenMP multithreading.

Excludes: --no-omp, Default: True


Enable OpenMP multithreading.

Excludes: --omp, Default: True


Specifies the search order for the math BLAS/LAPACK library. CMake will search based on the MATH_ROOT environment varaible.

Default with --int64: MKL ACML SYSTEM_NATIVE ATLAS,



Enables compiling eT with linking to PCMSolver. PCMSolver will be searched for based on the environment variable PCMSolver_ROOT.

Default: False

Extra flags

These arguments are passed more or less directly to CMake or the compiler. Because flags are also specified beginning with -, it is necessary to pass these arguments explicitly as strings starting with a white space. For example, if you want to compile with CMake ninja, you would use:

./ --extra-cmake-flags " -GNinja"

Several flags can be specified in the string.

-cmake-flags, --extra-cmake-flags

Extra flags sent to CMake.

-F-flags, --extra-F-flags

Extra compile flags set for the Fortran compiler.

-CXX-flags, --extra-CXX-flags

Extra compile flags set for the C++ compiler.

-linker-flags, --extra-linker-flags

Extra flags set for the compiler during linking.

Debug arguments

These are arguments mostly meant for developers, and should not be used for production code.

-rcheck, --runtime-checks

Enables runtime checks, making the compiler put in checks for various memory errors at runtime.

-fbatch, --forced-batching

Forces eT to always batch with random batch sizes in routines implemented with memory batching. Useful for catching errors.

-inan, --initialize-nan

All real/complex memory allocated using mem%alloc is initialized to NaN values, which makes uninitialized memory bugs much easier to detect.