The computation of Hartree-Fock polarizabilities are currently available for restricted HF. A description of how to perform generic HF calculations are given in the Hartree-Fock calculation
tutorial. In addition to the sections that are needed for a ground state HF calculation, the tdhf response
keyword must be specified in the do
tdhf excited state
end do
Furthermore, you must add the solver tdhf response section and specify the frequencies for which you want to compute the polarizabilities, for instance:
solver tdhf es
frequencies: {0.0d0, 0.072d0, -0.072d0}
end solver tdhf es
A minimal working example is:
name: methanol
charge: 0
end system
tdhf response
end do
available: 8
end memory
end method
solver tdhf response
frequencies: {0.0d0, 0.072d0, -0.072d0}
end solver tdhf response
basis: cc-pVDZ
H 0.8475370000 0.0347360000 1.0345270000
C 0.3504820000 0.0067450000 0.0608350000
H 0.6350750000 0.8927640000 -0.5200650000
H 0.6629360000 -0.8933800000 -0.4828330000
O -1.0108350000 -0.0082340000 0.3643870000
H -1.4851950000 -0.0326310000 -0.4568520000
end geometry
If successful, you should find the polarizabilities for the desired frequencies at the end of the output file:
Determining TDHF polarizabilities
RHF polarizability for frequency 0.0000E+00:
<< mu_x, mu_x >>: -16.530473073826
<< mu_x, mu_y >>: -0.053395729262
<< mu_x, mu_z >>: -0.696915279065
<< mu_y, mu_x >>: -0.053395729293
<< mu_y, mu_y >>: -14.041555340045
<< mu_y, mu_z >>: -0.042501961050
<< mu_z, mu_x >>: -0.696915279078
<< mu_z, mu_y >>: -0.042501961052
<< mu_z, mu_z >>: -15.580356442772
RHF polarizability for frequency 0.7200E-01:
<< mu_x, mu_x >>: -16.738269759140
<< mu_x, mu_y >>: -0.053425576976
<< mu_x, mu_z >>: -0.709938445749
<< mu_y, mu_x >>: -0.053425576986
<< mu_y, mu_y >>: -14.264814625850
<< mu_y, mu_z >>: -0.042708032494
<< mu_z, mu_x >>: -0.709938445776
<< mu_z, mu_y >>: -0.042708032482
<< mu_z, mu_z >>: -15.804021596120
RHF polarizability for frequency -0.7200E-01:
<< mu_x, mu_x >>: -16.738269759140
<< mu_x, mu_y >>: -0.053425576976
<< mu_x, mu_z >>: -0.709938445749
<< mu_y, mu_x >>: -0.053425576986
<< mu_y, mu_y >>: -14.264814625850
<< mu_y, mu_z >>: -0.042708032494
<< mu_z, mu_x >>: -0.709938445776
<< mu_z, mu_y >>: -0.042708032482
<< mu_z, mu_z >>: -15.804021596120